Max's Marriage Proposal to Nika

Published on November 16, 2023Written by Tina Baričević

The story of Max's beach proposal planning journey began with a heartfelt request for our assistance at Monio Weddings. Max contacted us and had a special dream in mind - to propose to his beloved on a beautiful beach in Croatia, with a dash of romance and surrounded by close friends. The catch? He had just three weeks to make it all happen.

But being the hopeless romantics that we are at Monio Weddings, we couldn't resist the challenge. We were determined to create the most memorable and enchanting experience for Max and his soon-to-be fiancée. Max had a vision - a beach proposal in front of their closest friends, complete with romantic flowers, flickering candles, chilled champagne, and a delectable cake.

Max, his girlfriend, and seven of their closest friends had planned a vacation in Croatia, and they would be staying in a luxurious villa near the coastal town of Split. Max's wish was to find a location close to their villa where they could continue the celebrations after the proposal.

Our team quickly sprang into action, devising a meticulous strategy and compiling a list of service providers. The first task was to scout for the perfect beach location. We narrowed our search down to the picturesque stretch of coastline between Split and Makarska, where we hoped to find a quiet, idyllic beach that offered both natural beauty and a sense of privacy.

After several adventurous road trips along the stunning Croatian coastline, we stumbled upon a hidden gem - a secluded beach near Brela. It ticked all the boxes: the scenery was breathtaking, the beach was blissfully free of crowds, and it remained discreetly tucked away from the main road. We knew we had found the perfect backdrop for Max's proposal.

With the location secured, the next challenge was to assemble a team of talented service providers. Our florist worked wonders, bringing Max's vision to life. After consulting with Max, we decided to set up an elegantly adorned table for the post-proposal celebration. The florist's touch added a touch of magic to the beach, making it even more enchanting.

Suggesting the addition of a guitarist was one of my ideas. I believed that the sweet melodies of a guitar would elevate the overall experience and create an even more romantic ambiance. And so, a talented guitarist was added to the lineup.

To ensure that the evening would be a culinary delight, we collaborated with a local catering company in Split. They took care of the champagne and the delectable cake that would become a part of this unforgettable moment.

Max also insisted on having a photographer capture every precious moment, and we gladly obliged. He wanted their special day to be documented so they could cherish these memories forever.

As the sun began its descent on the day of the proposal, everything was set and ready by 5 p.m., with the grand moment scheduled for 6 p.m. The setup process went off without a hitch, and the beach transformed into a dreamlike setting, eagerly awaiting the couple's arrival.

Max, his girlfriend, and their friends embarked on a leisurely walk down the path leading to the beach. Max's girlfriend, blissfully unaware of the impending proposal, assumed they were headed to a restaurant for a casual evening.

However, as they approached the beach, she couldn't help but notice the breathtaking setup. Her eyes widened, and she playfully remarked, 'How sweet, somebody must be proposing!' Little did she know that Max had orchestrated this fairy-tale moment just for her.

Max, his heart brimming with love, invited her to come closer and take a closer look at the decorations. Initially hesitant, she didn't want to intrude on someone else's special moment. But Max's gentle persuasion won her over, and with every step, her heart raced in anticipation.

As they drew nearer, the sound of a guitar playing their favorite song filled the air. Max took a deep breath, his heart pounding, and then, with a trembling voice, he dropped to one knee in the soft sand. Time seemed to stand still as he asked the most important question of his life.

Tears of joy streamed down her face as she said 'Yes!' The beach, silent witnesses to their love story, erupted in cheers as their friends, who had been watching in secret, rushed down to join the newly engaged couple. The celebration on the beach continued long into the night, with laughter, music, champagne, and cake, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Max's beach proposal was a testament to the power of love. It was a day filled with romance and surprises, where a simple walk on the beach turned into a life-changing moment and a celebration of love that would be cherished forever.

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